After 18 years since the release of Age of Empires III, which left its mark in the RTS gaming genre, Microsoft is launching a free-to-play version with the aim of bringing a breath of fresh air to the game’s community.
Yes, in short, you can play Age of Empires 3: Definitive Edition completely for free, which is a 4K remaster of the title, although there are certain limitations that might not bother some players.

The free-to-play version of Age of Empires 3 is available on Steam and follows a model similar to League of Legends, as it includes a substantial portion of the game and allows you to play with three civilizations that rotate weekly. Initially, you can choose to play with the factions of the French, Haudenosaunee (Iroquois), and Russians, both in single-player and multiplayer environments.
In the single-player section, you’ll have access to one of the eight campaigns of the game and one of the six historical battles. You can also host matches on one of the eight maps, but in the free version, you are limited to playing matches hosted on other maps. However, ranked play is not available in the free version.